patel hospital
patel hospital

Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Low Dose Therapy (LDT)

Nuclear medicine also offers therapeutic procedures, such as Radioactive iodine (I-131) therapy that use small amounts of radioactive material to treat cancer and other medical conditions affecting the thyroid gland, as well as treatments for other cancers and medical conditions.

  • Radioactive Iodine (I-131) therapy is used to treat some causes of hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland, for example, Graves' disease) and thyroid cancer.
  • Radioactive materials are used to treat painful tumor metastases to the bones.


  • Therapies
    • Tc Scan
    • Radio Iodine Therapy
    • Strontium Therapy
    • Samarium Therapy
    • Phosphorus Therapy

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